
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Let's Just Sew Another Day

When I was a little girl playing with my dolls and sewing them clothes, I wanted so much to grow up and be a mother. To have a family of my own, with a husband who adored me, and a big red house was all I thought that happiness could possibly hold for me in this life. But, I hadn't counted on God. I hadn't counted on His many blessings. I had not counted on Grandchildren.
I know I have written about my Grandchildren before, and I probably will again, but Grandchildren are the most beautiful, I mean beautiful, blessings of all. They make all the wrongs right, all the rights completely wrong, and all the other things unimportant. my Grandchildren are so very precious, humorous, and completely irrational and I love them to pieces.
Motherhood was oh so hard, busy, a virtual race against the clock to get as much done as I possibly could in a twenty-four hour period, and somehow pretend to be alert and on top of everything. It was headaches and tired, but it was also elation and highs. I loved being a mother to my children when they were growing up, but truth be told, I was a worried mess. My trust in God grew slowly in those years and I wasted a lot of time trying to solve life's problems instead of just letting Him do what He was meant to do.
But with these worries. They look at me and expect nothing but pure fun. I can blow bubbles. Go for walks. Take them to the river to throw rocks in. We can go for an icecream cone and then get donuts. None of the Rules apply to me because I am not the parent. I am just the Grandmother. My rules are to enjoy, make them ecstatically happy, and then send them home with their parents and promise to never do all those unhealthy things with them again. Ha! Ha!
In just one day, one day of Grandmotherhood, I experienced...
Watching them dig a huge hole in my back yard for worms. Never would I have let my children escavate our backyard with sticks, silver spoons, and Poppy's tools. But the Grands, now they can dig a whole in my potted plants if they want to. My favorite conversation..."Grammie, I telled them I guess I don't wike too touch them worms. Make dem stop putting dem on my hands. Dem is filfy!"
Taking them for a walk and throwing rocks in the river. Throwing sticks in the river. Wanting to throw theirselves in the river (it is April). The delight of each stone making a kurplunk noise as the threw their tiny treasures in and yelled, "Watch Grammie!" As if I'd never witnessed this miracle and then realizing I was excited as they were.
Hearing them fighting from upstairs and watching Cullen come crying down the stairs and yell, "Melia called me a BITCH, Grammie,! Dat is naughty!" And trying not to peel over in laughter at the seriousness of the situation!
Going to the donut shop and keeping them from licking the glass case because they wanted to taste everyone. Getting our donuts and eating them in the living room in front of the TV and licking our fingers and dipping in milk and slopping everywhere...favorite line..."Can I have the one with the FRINKLES? Grammie, can I?"
Walking and picking up sticks and pretending we were on an adventure and protecting ourselves with our great weapons! Finding rocks and trash that seemed to be needed and thrust into little pockets so that a mother could wash it later. Explaining what a dead bird was and why we cannot pet it. Favorite...Being thrust back onto the sidewalk because, " Grammie, you wasn't wooking bofe ways!"
Eating icecream and parading downtown with their superman faces, walking on everyone's curb, and triumphantly yelling, "Me first!" to become the leader! Taking ourselves to the gazebo and laying under the benches and watching them scrambled as I whispered, "Oh, ahh, watch for spiders!"
Blowing bubbles, tasting them, chasing them, spilling them, and eventually making plans to live in a giant bubble and eat donuts to our hearts content! You have never lived until you have blown bubbles with your Grands. Favorite moment, " Sissy, stoles that bubble from me! I was sabing it and her popped it!"
A picnic dinner on the front porch, complete with a blanket, spills, ranch dressing everywhere, and stealing others chips every five seconds, while watching the neighbors look at us in utter jealously! Each Grand telling stories to each other and laughing while various food ran outta their mouths and onto their clothes. Funny..."when I was just little, I would have picnics ebrery day!"
And my favorite, looking out at the garage and watching in awe as a robin built its nest on the outdoor light...the oohs and ahhs...and plans to,"get up dere and help dat birdie get dem babies safe!"
And finally, as dusk broke and the y all went home or to bed, holding my littlest Granddaughter Brielle, and having her hold my hand for dear life, snuggle and smile as if I hung the moon...feeling her heart pound on my chest and watching her coo in delight as I whisper promises of love and devotion because her , " Grammie love her Honeypie!" I
Folks this IS what life is about. Not the money. Not the activities. It is about the joy in evey childs eyes in every moment of everyday. It IS about spilt milk, pee on the back of the toilet, and dancing in the rain on a warm day with the mud all over the house. 
So next time you get the chance to color the zoo on your wall, or chew up cookies and see how far you can spit them...I'd advise you to throw caution to the wind and do may just be the best day of your life!

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